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What is

The 10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse?

The Green Smoothie Cleanse is a ten-day detox/cleanse made up of green leafy veggies, fruit and water. Green smoothies are filling and healthy, and you will enjoy drinking them. You can expect to lose up to 15 pounds, increase your energy levels, reduce your cravings, clear your mind and improve your digestion and overall health. It's an experience that will change your life if you stick with it!

If you are ready to live a better and healthier life, the 10 Day Green Smoothie Cleanse is for you. It will jump start your weight loss by ridding your body of the toxin that slows down weight loss. We are surrounded by so many unhealthy foods that has caused us to establish poor eating habits. This cleanse was designed to break through those sugar addictions and carb cravings many of us face. 

It will take patience and discipline, but if you're ready for healthier life, the results are endless. 


It's time to invest in yourself. You've talked about it with friends, and you think about it all the time. But, are you interested in losing weight or are you committed to losing weight? 

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